Karl and Kathleen Nichter Photography

This blog began in 2009, about a year after we started our photography business. People attending our photo exhibits, or our hikes and workshops, asked for details on where we traveled for photography. As naturalists we usually kept a field journal, so we used that as a basis for Field Notes.
In Summer, 2014 we took a break from the blog because our business, and lives were changing. In January 2015 the blog restarted with an expanded theme. It now contains photography, notes, and articles from all of our travels and all of our photography, not just nature themed. The posts prior to 2014 have been archived.

For more information, please click on "About Us" below.

Thank you for visiting.

Friday, May 30, 2014

Blue Spring State Park, FL

We camped at Blue Spring State Park for two days earlier in the month. I think of that trip as a "springs" tour since we visited and/or camped at Silver Springs State Park, DeLeon Spring State Park, and Blue Spring State Park. All these parks run boat tours, and I highly recommend them. The captains are knowledgeable about the springs and about the wildlife.

The boat tour at Blue Spring lasted about two hours. We watched an eagle and two osprey fighting over a fish, observed several Purple Gallinule including one fanning his tail and calling, and listened to and finally saw a nearly fledged Great Blue Heron in a tree calling Mom or Dad for more food!

Looking toward the spring from the boardwalk:
The Great Blue Heron juvenile:

Monday, May 19, 2014

White Springs, FL and Suwanee

We visited White Springs, FL and the Stephen Foster State Park in late April. This trip occurred two days before the record breaking rain in that area. Even so, due to the unusually wet winter this year the Suwanee had flooded in several areas.

This is the White Springs Bath House. Compare this to the photograph I published on this blog 1/3/12.

We again had a wonderful time visiting this area. The old Telford Inn reopened March 1, 2014 and serves lunch and dinner. We did not get to visit this trip, but will definitely dine there our next visit.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

Owls at Honeymoon Island State Park

We hiked the nature trails at Honeymoon Island State Park in search of migrants two weeks ago. In addition to the migrants, we saw the two adult Great-horned owls and the fledged baby.

As we walked the crows called out and swooped over the top of a tree. Suddenly, we saw the young owl take off and land in the next tree. The crows followed, swooping and attacking. This continued for a few minutes, when suddenly another owl flew overhead. Mom to the rescue. When she arrived, the crows scattered.

Baby owl regained confidence, and stared at us, safely within reaching distance of Mom.

In the tree...

Under attack!

Mom Arrives...

All is well!