Karl and Kathleen Nichter Photography

This blog began in 2009, about a year after we started our photography business. People attending our photo exhibits, or our hikes and workshops, asked for details on where we traveled for photography. As naturalists we usually kept a field journal, so we used that as a basis for Field Notes.
In Summer, 2014 we took a break from the blog because our business, and lives were changing. In January 2015 the blog restarted with an expanded theme. It now contains photography, notes, and articles from all of our travels and all of our photography, not just nature themed. The posts prior to 2014 have been archived.

For more information, please click on "About Us" below.

Thank you for visiting.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Honeymoon Island State Park: A Walk on the Beach

Once again west central Florida experienced a morning with temperatures in the low 40s. It feels like the only time we managed warmer temperatures in the past two weeks, rain accompanied them. Today the forecasters predicted bright sunshine and rising temperatures, with temperature falling again starting tomorrow. Eager to get back outside before another round of cold hits, we decided to drive to Honeymoon Island State Park for a walk on the beach, regardless of the temperature.

We parked in the north parking lot, and started walking on the beach. The waves rolled in impressively, attracting surfers trying and succeeding to ride them.
I watched them come in, enjoying my walk. The sun warmed me, and the temperatures rose quickly. Over a dozen people walked this section of beach too, all searching for and finding shells. I walked along with a camera rather than a pail or bag.

I turned and headed back toward Karl and found him photographing something on the beach.

This young hammerhead shark washed up probably a day or two ago, but was still recognizable.

We gathered our camera gear and drove to the cafe where we enjoyed coffee and a bagel on the back deck, relieved to be outside in more Florida-like temperatures again.

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