Karl and Kathleen Nichter Photography

This blog began in 2009, about a year after we started our photography business. People attending our photo exhibits, or our hikes and workshops, asked for details on where we traveled for photography. As naturalists we usually kept a field journal, so we used that as a basis for Field Notes.
In Summer, 2014 we took a break from the blog because our business, and lives were changing. In January 2015 the blog restarted with an expanded theme. It now contains photography, notes, and articles from all of our travels and all of our photography, not just nature themed. The posts prior to 2014 have been archived.

For more information, please click on "About Us" below.

Thank you for visiting.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Capture the Moment: A Feather Just Lost

The floating fern plants covered most of the water, and from the bridge we saw a bright, white feather, looking fresh and clean and dry. It gently rested on top of the ferns and the water, light enough not to sink. It must have just fallen off of the bird, who was no where to be seen. Soon the feather would start to absorb water, discolor, and begin to sink, perhaps sinking even faster once the afternoon rains started. People passing by even an hour later would not see what we saw.

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